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Different types of epilepsy surgery
Mayo Clinic physicians explain the different types of surgery performed to help people who have seizures.
Risks of uncontrolled seizures
Mayo Clinic physicians explain the impact of uncontrolled seizures and why it is important to get seizure disorders properly diagnosed and treated.
Deep-seated intracranial hemorrhage and brain tumors
Kaisorn Chaichana, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, discusses minimally disruptive subcortical neurosurgery. Dr. Chaichana discusses how to reach deep-seated lesions for intracranial hemorrhage and brain tumors safely.
Advances in minimally invasive spine surgery
Matthew T. Neal, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic's campus in Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona, discusses the types, techniques and advantages of minimally invasive spine surgery and clinical indications for being a candidate.
Minimally invasive surgery for craniosynostosis requires early diagnosis and intervention
Edward Ahn, M.D., pediatric neurosurgeon, discusses craniosynostosis.
Minimally invasive, scarless brain surgery
Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic's campus in Jacksonville, Florida, shares information about an innovative technique that offers patients with brain tumors a scarless treatment option.