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Grand Rounds (CME): Microscopes at Mayo
Jeffery Salisbury, Ph.D., discusses Microscopes at Mayo Clinic.
Grand Rounds: Mentoring Maladies: Overcoming Challenges in your Mentoring Relationships
Anne Marie Weber-Main, Ph.D., and Esam El Fakahany, Ph.D., present Mentoring Maladies: Overcoming Challenges in your Mentoring Relationships.
Grand Rounds (CME): Mayo Genome Consortia (MayoGC): A resouce of Cost-Effective Genomics Research
Suzette Bielinski Ph.D., presents Mayo Genome Consortia (MayoGC): A resource of Cost-Effective Genomics Research.
Grand Rounds: Investing in Biotech - Spreading the Risk
Alastair Wood, M.D., presents Investing in Biotech - Spreading the Risk.